Saturday, June 23, 2007


The way in which a human mind differs from a computer is in the way information cannot be erased. Some suggest hypnosis to overcome bad past, some suggest NLP to lessen the impact of bad memories. Although you can alter the way u see your past, you cant change the events.

The body's natural mechanism of coping with awful experiences is putting these memories into an archive, which will not usually surface. When similar events occur later on, it triggers the bad memories in the archives and open emotional floodgates. This nullifies the effort you put in to change the way you see the past. What then? Do we start the healing process all over again? I guess the answer is yes, if you wanna live a life of normality.

1 comment:

Vandalin said...

That, or you integrate your bad experiences. Take it, accept it as part of an unchangable history.

Then frame it in a different way. Use it as impetus to grow, to flow.

Someone smart told me once, "Shit or fertilizer. Same thing. Decide what it is to you."