Friday, April 27, 2007


It's been some time since my last entry. Pretty busy as usual but not necessarily interesting..

Work goes on as usual. Then again, not as usual because I did practically nothing last week because I was in Bangkok from Tue-Thu which meant I had no Monday blues and other types of depression. On top of that, in a world with experiments, a single day usually means you can't do I kinda bummed a bit and spent time chatting with people...haha~ It's great to have colleagues that you can get along with so you don't exactly dread going to work daily (except the getting up bit...). To make things better, my boss is not around this week and will be back after Labour Day... that gives me time to get back into the swing of things. Having some problems with my Southern blotting...I just hope it works out. I kinda get stressed when I have nothing to show my boss during my weekly personal meeting with him.

Bangkok was hot and dusty --> what else is new??? But as usual, the food is yummy... I just love Tom Yum Soup, Phat Thai... Shopping was alright. Things are still cheap but transport and food have increased in price. I think the service standard really has dropped and the people don't seem to be that happy. Land of Thousand Smiles has became Land of 100 Smiles it seems. I wonder why...could it be the political situation or the standard of living? In addition, the taxis have become more brazen... with many refusing to use the meter...tsk tsk~ However, I do compliment the new airport. It's cleaner, brighter and more cheery. Despite all the negative media reports or the "official" comments, I don't see any problem and didn't have any problem at all. Am I reading too much from what I see? It seems to be politics at work again... shall not go too much into this... I shall leave you to ponder over it.

Issues on my teeth have been settled when I went to see the orthodontist 2 weeks back. Decided on braces which will be done at National Dental Centre. Did the X-rays which cost me 200 bucks. Throw in the GST --> $210 but I must say the equipment were sophisticated... Extractions will be done on 8 May. *horrors* I will need to extract 2 teeth from the upper deck first... the banding should be done a week later. Did I say I was dental-phobic? Can't be helped since I really have no more space on my upper deck....too much teeth or too small a jaw... causing all the alignment to go out. You should have seen the X-rays... all the problems...including future wisdom teeth problem is really depressing.

Life is pepppered with so many things... good / upseting / depressing / happy... to add color I guess to our otherwise mundane existance. *Lol* It's ain't that bad because we have friends for company and there are so many things we can do.
Just be glad you aren't like a moth...who doesn't do much except eat, sleep, hibernate, mate to lay eggs...which subsequently lead to death. Their point in life??? It's literally life...
*sorry for the punt*


Marabelle said...

Hi darling,

Work wise, keep going. adjust to the nature of ur work - in research, there is no guarantee. so as a good researcher, u just have to keep putting in ur best and report what you've done. dont get too stressed. *hugs*

With braces... Dont be scared! Channel ur fear into excitement. now thats something to look fwd to. I'm sure NDC will do a good job on u...just like they did with me. :)

Vandalin said...

Does the Bangkok terminal not remind you of Singapore's Terminal 2?

~andrina~ said...

Not really...